The great typographers – portrait series

"Many don’t realize that each typeface we encounter in our day-to-day lives is a result of a very intricate creative process, that requires considerable effort on the part of it’s designer. Yet, the hallmark of any great typeface is humbleneüss: when you aren’t even aware of it while reading, then it’s good. That is the conflict I wish to resolve by raising awareness of the world of typography. I wish to pay my respect to the great masters by capturing their likeness in a series of portraits, composed of the very typefaces they brought into existence. Please take a moment to absorb these images and realize: in any great typeface, each and every letter is born of hours of care and effort, to people who really love their craft."

„Sokan nem is sejtik, hogy a nap mint nap olvasott betűtípusok elkészítése milyen bonyolult dolog, hogy mennyi tervezést, odafigyelést és gondos munkát igényel. Mégis, a jó betűtípus olvasás közben szinte észrevétlen marad. Ezt az ellentmondást szeretném feloldani és egy kicsit nagyobb figyelmet fordítani a betűk világára. Ha csak néhány pillanatra is, de időzzön el a képek előtt és gondolja végig, mekkora munka lehet egy jól megtervezett betű elkészítése.”

Sándor László


XVIII. National Biennial of Graphic Design Exhibition 
(Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts – Graphic Design Department) 
2012 Hungary, Békéscsaba – Munkácsy Mihály Museum 
2013 Hungary, Budapest – House of Hungarian Creative Artists

my typeface – László Sándor Graphic Designer Exhibition 
2012 Hungary, Budapest – Kispest Community Center

FirstHand – Fine and Applied Art Exhibitions & Fairs
2012 Hungary, Budapest – Dürer Kert

tr{end of print} – Art Books and Typography Exhibition
2012 Hungary, Budapest – National Széchényi Library

Limited edition poster series, 50x70 cm
Signed and numbered by the artist in pencil.
Silk screen printed by printa

Women & kid t-shirts,

tote bags,

& t-shirts.

Free wallpapers for all iOS products.
Details on Facebook page.

on Facebook page.

Please visit & appreciate my portfolio on

Hiiibrand International Design Awards 2011, Bronze, Jury and Merit Award

Bronze Award – Student Package (Gold & Silver Award none Awarded)
Jury Award – Student

László Sándor (Hungary), "Quality Café", 
Buda Drawing School

Judge Comments:
"Working on a café identity nowadays, is quite a hard work in the jungle of similar logos and packs around the world. Some clients ask me for a boat. Actually what they need is to cross a river and in this case, this young designers provided a nice bridge to their client. They will have a brillant future."
— Ronald Shakespear (Founder of Diseño Shakespear, Argentina)

Merit Award – Student Logo

László Sándor (Hungary), "Cseke Eszter Photographer",
Budapest College of Communication, Business and Arts (BKF)


Lamp font "1"

Artchive logo

Pool logo

The Hungarian font scene – Laszlo Sandor

"Typographer and designer in Budapest. He used staples as asource of inspiration for Staple (2008). He also made the geometric experimental face Duna (2010)"

Cube font

"105 remarkable retro logos"

Featured the Golyo motorcycle service logo & Lock-Car logo.

Önarckép XIV.

Danube Energy Drink on étapes:

Liszt Ferenc Emlékév 2011

Twofold magazin – Published the Typo lamp

Malom fotóstúdió

New Google brand???

Plethora's Top 10 of 2010

It's the first week of January and our iPhone app has been out for six months now – time to look back at which posts were the most popular. We have counted up how many people liked, tweeted, emailed or Facebooked designs from the app last year and we have an official top ten. Thanks to all our contributing blogs, artists and iPhone users – we're looking forward to bringing you some exciting new projects throughout this year.

A 7 grafikusa: Sándor László

A teljes cikk a


Just for fun. ;)

my typeface logo - ( [; {-)

personal logo